Is the choice of engine oil important and Why?
- Oil acts as lifeline of your vehicle. If you use any wrong oil, the engine will get worn out and corroded early than its age. When blockages get formed in the engine it leads to engine seizure. When you use Biomileager Premium oil in your car engine, your car will travel smoothly and you will get an experience as your car is recently serviced. This oil will surely cost you less than a tank of fuel.
Why is engine oil’s ability to cleanse given importance?
- It is important to keep engine components clean to keep them in good condition. In case your engine components are dirty, oil won’t lubricate and protect the engine in a proper way. When the dirt gets settled, it leads to premature engine damage. Biomileager engine oil cleans and protects engines leading to improved performance.
Is it important to change oil and how often should I do this?
- The oil of your vehicle and filter should be changed at or before the end of oil-change period told by your vehicle manufacturer. The time is based on distance travelled or time. When oil is changed on regular basis, it helps to keep your engine oil in best condition and offers more protection for all of your engine components.
What is the process of disposing used oil?
- Used oil might lead to pollution and shouldn’t be poured down the drain. It is illegal to do so in various markets. You can take your waste to an official oil-disposal or recycling bank located near you. You can also take the help of your local recycling officer.
Why should we change motorcycle engine oil?
- Engine oil may lose its properties as time passes. Hence, it needs to be replaced regularly so that your engine works for a longer period. It is easy to change oil and it also removes all the engine impurities.
What is the difference in a 4-stroke 2-wheeler and a car?
- Because a dry clutch is used in a car, it doesn’t need oil. The lubrication of Engine as well as Gearbox is done with dedicated Engine Oil and Gear Oil respectively. However, in a 4-Stroke 2-Wheeler (also popular as 4T Motor Cycle) there is a wet-clutch, Engine and Transmission which is lubricated by a common oil. Additionally, the 4T bikes run at a higher engine rpm and power density as compared to the cars and are basically, air-cooled unlike car engines which are water-cooled. In simple words, the 4T Motor Cycle Oil needs to face higher temperature and higher operational severity as compared to a Car Engine Oil.
There are 4-Stroke 3-Wheelers that run on Diesel or Petrol or CNG/LPG. Can the same oil be used no matter what the Fuel Type is in the 3-Wheelers?
- No you can’t use the same oil. It is strictly recommended to use a dedicated Engine Oil that suits to your 3-Wheeler.
How to change the engine oil in my car in a right way?
- Empty the engine oil when the engine is warm. The intervals at which the engine oil should be changed are recommended in your vehicle manual. First remove the oil filler cap and then place a drain pan under the drain plug. With the help of the correct spanner, remove the drain plug and drain out the engine oil. Take care as your fingers might burn up due to the engine oil temperature when you loosen the drain plug. Be patient until the drain plug cools to a temperature at which you can touch it with bare hands. Ensure to wear moisture proof gloves. Recycle or dispose of used oil correctly as a good citizen.